Daniel Wilby
Daniel Wilby is an English/Swedish shaman in service of the sacred mushroom. Put in contemporary terms one might say that he moves within overlapping roles of a mystic, psychedelic guide, nature therapist, coach and teacher of personal and spiritual development. His journey with entheogens began 2005 when he accidentally healed from alcoholism during his first encounter with LSD. That led him on to discover his passion in life – the journey to heal and grow – which he has dedicated himself to since.
The first part of his healing journey mainly had to do with shadow work, addiction, depression and trauma. The flipside to that coin is growing from the past, finding one’s potential and vision, and self-realisation.
In 2009/10 the spirit world opened up to him and gave him insight into one of his lineages. That lineage connects to the Middle East, untainted by Abrahamic or other religions. From that lineage he is supported by archangel Ishmael, he who helps souls over, the ascended master Isaac, bringer of forgiveness, and his mother Mary, undoer of knots.
This was also the time when the mushroom stepped forward as his teacher, and unequivocally stated that he is a bearer of the medicine, in service of the mushroom and Mother Earth. Soon after his Nordic lineage was also revealed to him. Descendant of wolves, the co-operators and co-creators. Guided by the ancient ones.

Published works
The Psychedelic Wayfinder – A Nordic Shaman’s Guide to Working with Entheogens (2024) Available in English and Swedish.
Nature Therapy Cards (2022) Available in English and Swedish.
Läka & Växa – En shamans verktygslåda (Heal & Grow – A Shaman’s Toolbox) (2022) Yet only available in Swedish at https://healandgrow.se
Marika (2015) Only available in Swedish.
Tindra Silverräv
Tindra is a Swedish wayfinder and integration coach who has worked with personal development, with and without the help of entheogens, since 2011. Her journey began with a spiritual awakening in the form of a six-month psychosis that led her to choose to live her desired life, in contrast to the wrestling match that she experienced her existence as before her awakening. A life that involved shedding the mental constipation of her masculinity and allowing herself to embrace a feminine expression.
Behind her she left excuses, defences and a conflicted attitude to her fellow human beings and to life itself. In front of her, a journey opened up to be close to herself, to be able to listen inwards and take an interest in what her heart was leading her to, instead of losing herself in the noise outside. It awakened a burning passion for mindfulness and the abilities it had awakened in her. She is completely in love with meditation and contemplation because it strengthens her connection with her inner life, bringing clarity and guidance.
The early days after her awakening were spent healing, exploring herself and discovering how to bring herself with intention. Part of that work included choosing gender corrective care. After a long time of helping and supporting in less formal ways in the contexts she found herself in, 2020 was the year she stepped into the role of supporting others in earnest, with her first coaching training.

We are open to interesting new acquaintances and collaborations all over the world. Invite us to hold talks, courses, sessions or ceremonies. Or let us cooperate to make a wonderful idea of yours come to life. We are right now looking for venues and collaborations in countries where work with mushrooms containing psilocybin is legal, in order to do retreats there for an international audience.
Reach out and let’s talk.
Support Us
Support us in promoting the crazy ideas that nature should be legal, that each person has the right to their own healing, their own liberation, and their own spiritual journey.
Support comes in many forms and we appreciate them all. Monetary donations are very welcome and make it possible for us to do the kind of things that one cannot do without money. But having said that, we are equally delighted by people who wish to share their skills, connect us, give us space, or simply send words of encouragement.